Sunday, February 23, 2025

Community Bible Church, Central City, Nebraska

About us

At Central City Community Bible Church in Central City, Nebraska, we strive to exalt God, encourage each other to grow spiritually, and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. (Here’s our whole mission statement, and here’s our statement of faith.)

We’re part of the Berean Fellowship of Churches, a group of evangelical churches mostly in Nebraska, South Dakota, Kansas, Colorado, and Wyoming.

In addition to meeting for worship services on Sunday, we offer AWANA for children and Youth Group for Jr-Sr High on Wednesday nights during the school year.  Men of the church meet on Friday mornings for fellowship and Bible study.

Here is how to contact us or get directions to the church building. If you would like to hear recent sermons from our pulpit, you will find them here.

We look forward to meeting and serving you!

Times for services and programs

Gather with us for Sunday Morning Worship Service at 10:30am

AWANA at Community Bible Church


Awana clubs for grades K-6 are held on Wednesday nights at CBC. The evening is filled with exciting games that you won’t find anywhere else, small group time with a leader to memorize and talk about what the Bible says for each boy and girl, catchy, truth-speaking songs and a time worshiping God and studying His Word.

CBC was the first chartered AWANA Club in the state of Nebraska, beginning a ministry to children that has spanned 40 years.

Programs for kids of all grades take place at  

7 p.m. each Wednesday night of the school year in the church facility. Each week clubbers enjoy games, work at Scripture memory, sing, hear a Bible message, and receive awards for their work.

One of the highlights of the Awana year is the Grand Prix.

The message of Awana is that God’s way of living is found in the Scriptures. Read it, study it, memorize it, live it… nothing else matters in the end. Reaching kids for Christ for life, forever…that is our goal.

AWANA clubs combine learning with fun to create an atmosphere of irresistible excitement for all kids.

Club meetings are divided into 3 parts:

  • Bible teaching, worship, award presentations and the gospel message
  • Small group interaction and completion of Bible-based lessons, including Scripture memorization
  • Age-appropriate games on the Awana game circle