Monday, March 31, 2025

Community Bible Church, Central City, Nebraska

About us

July 9, 2014 by  
Filed under About us, Featured

At Central City Community Bible Church in Central City, Nebraska, we strive to exalt God, encourage each other to grow spiritually, and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. (Here’s our whole mission statement, and here’s our statement of faith.)

We’re part of the Berean Fellowship of Churches, a group of evangelical churches mostly in Nebraska, South Dakota, Kansas, Colorado, and Wyoming.

In addition to meeting for worship services on Sunday, we offer AWANA for children and Youth Group for Jr-Sr High on Wednesday nights during the school year.  Men of the church meet on Friday mornings for fellowship and Bible study.

Here is how to contact us or get directions to the church building. If you would like to hear recent sermons from our pulpit, you will find them here.

We look forward to meeting and serving you!

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